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LOL this was great.  Got stuck in the cherry loop, but I saw the comment you left somebody else about getting past it.

This is a really cool mashup of platforming + rhythm.  It was quite enjoyable all around.



Great work! My brain is not very multitasking compatible, but I think there is no real penalty for missing a note? At least I was able to just spam one button until I won the fight.

The submarine could do with a bit of telegraphing before an attack (or maybe I missed a cue in the music?).

The wall jump before the drum level is not obvious at all. 

The dialog after the cherry fight got stuck in an infinite loop for me.

Great entry! It definitely hits the NES vibe very well.


All very fair critiques! Thanks for giving it a go.

The submarine is definitely on the list for things that still need touching up, just ran out of time to focus on it.

I personally think the wall jump is fine, it's placed specifically to be impossible to progress without learning it while also being in an area where falling has no risk, so people can learn about it before it's needed.
However it is unnecessary in the previous level, so we were thinking about adding more opportunities in that first platforming level to learn about/use it earlier.

The cherry glitch is known, one can press shift+q to work around it for the time being.

And yeah the rhythm part is still missing more incentive to hit the notes. We've got some ideas for it, but none in place yet. By far it took the most time to program/make songs for as nobody had worked on a rhythm game, or composed songs really beforehand ^^
With the deadline looming, it was either get the rhythm mechanics more solid but a level or two less, or include the rest of the songs/battles we had made with the rhythm mechanics in a playable state, and we opted for the latter.
We're very happy with what we managed though, and do plan to (after a bit of a break) get back and put the polish needed into those last parts, and maybe do a bit more...

(1 edit) (+1)

I enjoyed this quite a bit, well done! The pixel art and music were really nice too. Also I got the secret dialogue ^^


A beautiful blend of platformer and rhythm game that could be taken to the pinnacle and become a new genre of game. Would love to see this fully fleshed out.